February 11, 2019 | BPS Activities
On Monday (04/02) to Saturday (09/02), the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of Pagar Alam City held a training for National Socio-Economic Survey (SUSENAS) officers who will work during March 2019. This training was held to equate the concept and definitions and perceptions of officers during the data collection in the field later. This training was held at Hotel Favor Pagar and guided by Armula Pratama, S.ST. as the national instructor (innas) who had previously been provided with an understanding of the implementation of SUSENAS and SAKERNAS in the innas SUSENAS-SAKERNAS training in Bandung City. The SUSNEAS training this time is divided into two training waves, namely Wave I (4 - 6 February 2019) and Wave II (7 - 9 February 2019)
At the opening of the officer training, the Head of the City of Pagar Alam BPS, who on this occasion was represented by the Head of the Administration Sub-Section of the City of Pagar Alam BPS, Hairul, S.E., delivered a briefing to all officers in the opening of the training. The essence of the briefing is that every officer, both in training and in field assignments, must be sincere, honest, and responsible.
He also advised officers to play a role in maintaining the quality of SUSENAS data by following each SOP (Standard Operational Procedure) set by BPS RI because SUSENAS data is BPS 'mainstay data in explaining household social and economic phenomena at the national level to the regional level. . He emphasized that one mistake in one Susenas sample household could have an impact on several thousand household populations he represented, so officers needed to be careful in collecting data in the field.
BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik Kota Pagar Alam (Statistics of Pagar Alam Municipality)Jl. Laskar Wanita Mentarjo Komp. Perkantoran Gunung Gare
Kel. Pagar Wangi
Kec. Dempo Utara
Kota Pagar Alam
Provinsi Sumatera SelatanTelp (62-730) 623511
Faks (62-730) 623511
Mailbox : bps1673@bps.go.id