Best Statistic 10 Love Village Award - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pagar Alam Municipality

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Best Statistic 10 Love Village Award

Best Statistic 10 Love Village Award

December 7, 2021 | BPS Activities

BPS awarded the 10 Best Statistics Love Villages (Beautiful Villages) in 2021 today in the event entitled "Award for Beautiful Villages, From Data to Prosperity", (6/12) at the Shangri-la Hotel, Jakarta. The ten best villages are Beringin Jaya Village (South Sumatra), Karya Makmur Village (Bangka Belitung Islands), Pangalengan Village (West Java), Maduretno Village (Central Java), Tamansuruh Village (East Java), Pesanggrahan Village (East Java), Kutuh (Bali), Mujur Village (West Nusa Tenggara), Apung Village (North Kalimantan), and Kota Raya Selatan Village (Central Sulawesi).

The award was given by the Minister of National Development Planning/Head of Bappenas, Suharso Monoarfa and Head of BPS, Margo Yuwono to the best village heads and village statisticians. Margo said, “Thank you to 100 villages that have jointly increased statistical literacy about villages. To the 10 selected villages, I congratulate you, your contribution is extraordinary. The hope is that this will be a driving force for other villages, so that data management and utilization can be better and the development of independent villages and prosperous villages can be realized.”

Suharso said if Beautiful Village had been realized properly, the databases could be read and the effectiveness of budgeting would be better. "If all villages have become Beautiful Villages, then waste will be minimized and development planning will be based on well-available data, really based on needs and priorities," said Suharso.

The Beautiful Village Program was started by BPS in February 2021 for 100 selected villages in Indonesia. This program aims to improve the competence of village officials in data management and utilization, so that village development planning can be more targeted. This program is also an effort to realize the village SDGs target No. 17.

The program "Award Beautiful Village" was also filled with talk shows that presented speakers Oktorialdi @bappenasri (Secretariat One Data Indonesia), Jeffrey Erlan Muller @kemenpanrb, and Rahayuningsih @kemendagri The talkshow was hosted by Adi Lumaksono (BPS).

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