Assistant Facilitator Training for the FKP Regsosek of Statistics of Pagar Alam Municipality - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pagar Alam Municipality

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Assistant Facilitator Training for the FKP Regsosek of Statistics of Pagar Alam Municipality

Assistant Facilitator Training for the FKP Regsosek of Statistics of Pagar Alam Municipality

April 10, 2023 | Other Activities

Hi Hi Hi #SahabatData🙋‍♀️ BPS City of Pagar Alam is currently holding a Training Activity for Assistant Facilitators of the Public Consultation Forum for Research and Research Initial Data Collection. This training will last for 2 (two) days, from 10 to 11 April 2023 at the Favor Pagar Alam Hotel. Participants in this training activity were organic partners and employees of the BPS City of Pagar Alam. Mr. Aldianda Maisal S.E., M.M as the Head of BPS City of Pagar Alam delivered his opening remarks and at the same time directly opened this training activity, on Monday (10/4). In his remarks, the Head of BPS City of Pagar Alam appealed to all assistant facilitator candidates to be able to take part in the training as well as possible. This is in view of the important role of the Assistant Facilitator in the FKP activities which will be held from 2 to 21 May 2023. In addition, Mr. Aldianda Maisal, S.E., M.M also hopes that all assistant facilitators will be neutral and not take sides with anyone. This is because the objective of the FKP activity is to obtain a list of families whose welfare level groups have been verified and mutually agreed upon, originating from the Pre-Research Data Collection data. Thus, the data produced will be of really high quality and can become basic data for public protection.

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