Opening of 2023 Expenditure Balance Survey Training - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pagar Alam Municipality

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Opening of 2023 Expenditure Balance Survey Training

Opening of 2023 Expenditure Balance Survey Training

June 23, 2023 | BPS Activities

On Friday (23/6), BPS City of Pagar Alam held the opening of the 2023 Expenditure Balance Survey training which was opened directly by the Head of BPS City of Pagar Alam, Mr. Aldianda Maisal, SE. This training activity was carried out for 2 days, from 23 to 24 June 2023 at the Favor Hotel.

In this training activity the participants consisted of 7 PPL and 1 PML. Where the PPL and PML have been divided based on surveys in the expenditure balance, namely SKLNP, LNPRT Directory Update, SKSIP, SKPS, and SKSPPI.

It is hoped that this training activity can increase the knowledge of officers regarding surveys on the expenditure balance and can improve the quality of the data produced. This is because the data generated from surveys in the expenditure balance is very important and can form the basis for calculating economic indicators such as GRDP.

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