Statistics Pagar Alam Municipality is an Integrity Zone (ZI) area towards WBK and WBBM

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The presence of BPS at the event of handing over aid to Pokdakan, PKK and public water bodies

The presence of BPS at the event of handing over aid to Pokdakan, PKK and public water bodies

December 11, 2023 | Other Activities

Hello #Data Friends 👋🏻

Happy Monday 😁

#Statmin wants to provide information. That on Saturday (09/12/2023), BPS Pagar Alam City, represented by Primary Expert Statistics, Mr. Ony Kurniawan, S.Tr.Stat, attended the Handover of Fish Cultivation Assistance to Pokdakan, PKK, and Public Waters. This activity took place in Tebat Gheban, Kel. Alun Dua, District. Pagar Alam Selatan, Pagar Alam City.

This assistance was provided in an effort to control inflation at BPS Pagar Alam City. In his speech, the Acting Mayor explained that this assistance was a form of concern from the Government of the Republic of Indonesia for the community through the Regional Government.

Apart from providing assistance with fish cultivation seeds. On this occasion, the Acting Mayor also symbolically inaugurated the New Electricity Installation (BPLB) assistance from UP3 Lahat and ULP PLN Pagar Alam City. It is hoped that all forms of this assistance can benefit the entire community of Pagar Alam City.

Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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