July 18, 2023 | BPS Activities
BPS Pagar Alam City has held Sectoral Statistics Development on 17 to 18 July 2023 for 10 assisted OPDs. This event was officially opened by the Head of BPS City of Pagar Alam, Mr. Aldianda Maisal, S.E., M.M. Then continued with remarks from Mrs. Susana Wati from Diskominfo as the guardian of the sectoral statistical data for the City of Pagar Alam on the first day (17/07) and Mr. Fherla Yudhi from Bappeda as Coordinator of One Indonesian Data for the City of Pagar Alam on the second day (18/07).
For information, BPS City of Pagar Alam as a government agency that has an obligation in terms of developing statistics in City of Pagar Alam must be able to contribute to strengthening statistical activities. In accordance with its vision and mission, one of BPS' obligations is to provide guidance to Data Producers in the regions through a sustainable National Statistics System (SSN). Therefore, this year, BPS City of Pagar Alam has started conducting sectoral statistics development in 10 assisted OPDs, starting from the Education Office, Agriculture Service, Perindagkop Service, Tourism Office, PUPR Service, Transportation Service, Social Service, Environment Service, Food Security and Fisheries, and the Health Service.
It is hoped that from this coaching activity, the 10 assisted OPDs can become data producers whose statistical activities can fulfill the One Data Indonesia principle and create an integrated Indonesian National Statistics System.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik Kota Pagar Alam (Statistics of Pagar Alam Municipality)Jl. Laskar Wanita Mentarjo Komp. Perkantoran Gunung Gare
Kel. Pagar Wangi
Kec. Dempo Utara
Kota Pagar Alam
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